
A payday loan is a small, short-term loan that is meant to be paid back on your next payday. Payday loans are really helpful when needing to cover important or emergency costs that if not covered, would otherwise cause financial burden and stress.

In order to get a payday loan with us, there are a few qualifications that you should take into account:

  • You have been working at the same employer for at least the past two months; or receive CPP, Private Pension, EI, WCB, CTC or Non-Government Disability benefits.
  • You have a bank account showing history and your income direct deposits for the last three months
  • You are at least the age of majority in your province or territory
  • You are making at least $1,200 on monthly basis
  • You have a working phone number that you can be reached at
No need to worry! We do not weigh your credit standing on our decision to grant you a loan. We do not even run credit checks! We qualify you for a loan by looking mainly at your banking history and your ability to pay back the loan.
As a first time customer, you can get up to $500. Returning customers can borrow up to $1,500 or up to 50% of their net pay (whichever is less).
It usually takes about 30 minutes to get a response (during our business hours). Although, depending on how busy it is at any specific time, it may take longer. Upon approval, though, you can receive the money by email money transfer within 30 minutes.
Our loan application process has been completely digitalized. Once you submit your loan application, you will receive a link that will let you submit your banking history electronically. It is that easy!
We send the funds by email money transfer after your loan application gets approved, which takes around 30 minutes after you get approved.
No, our loan application process is completely faxless. There is no need to send us any documents unless you do not get paid via direct deposit or your name/address/employer does not match your banking profile.
Please review the “Requirements” section of our website.
There is no need to send us any documents unless you do not get paid via direct deposit or your name/address/employer does not match your banking profile.
You will have to pay back the loan on your next payday. Depending on the province of residence, you might have an option to pay back your loan in installments every the next 2 to 4 paydays.
If your payment comes back due to any reason (ie. NSF, stop payment, funds not cleared, etc.), you will be charged an NSF fee which will be added to your total balance. You will also be charged interest daily that will accrue onto your total balance. If you know that your loan repayment has been returned by your bank, contact us immediately with payment arrangements to avoid any proceedings on your file.
In order to increase your credit limit with us, you must develop a good history of paying us back.
There could be a number of reasons you were denied. The usual reasons for being denied are: insufficient pay, providing false information or documents, negative bank activity, etc.
As long as you haven’t gone bankrupt within the past year, you can still be approved for a payday loan with us. Remember, we do not weigh your credit history on our decision to grant you a loan.
No. You cannot skip any payments until your next payday.
All you have to do is log in to your now existing account with us. You will have been given a login and password for your account by this time. Upon logging in, there is a button at the bottom of the page that says “Make a New Application”. All your information will already be filled in. Just update any fields that require changes and apply. It’s that easy to get your second, third and beyond payday loan with us!
That’s okay. As long as you work in a province where we offer payday loans, you can get a cash loan with us.